


Introducing Zeemo, the ultimate AI-powered captioning tool for content creators, enabling auto-generation and translation of video captions in 17 languages with unparalleled accuracy. Enhance your talking videos with the best captioning tool available!

Product Detail

Key Features

šŸŒ 17 Language Support: Zeemo supports caption generation and translation in 17 languages, expanding your content's reach to a global audience. šŸŽÆ State-of-the-art Accuracy: Our AI-driven technology ensures the highest level of accuracy in caption generation and translation. šŸŽ¬ Video Editing Integration: Seamlessly integrate Zeemo with your favorite video editing software for a smooth captioning experience. šŸš€ Fast Processing: Zeemo's powerful AI processes your captions quickly, saving you time and effort. šŸ”’ Secure and Private: Your data is safe with us; we prioritize user privacy and data security.

Main Use Case

  1. Multilingual Content Creation: A YouTuber wants to expand their audience by providing captions in multiple languages. Zeemo auto-generates and translates captions, making their videos accessible to viewers worldwide.
  2. Efficient Workflow: A video editor is working on a tight deadline and needs to add captions quickly. Zeemo's fast processing and video editing integration streamline the captioning

Price model

Free Trial

Supported Platform


Media and Entertainment


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