Tooltips AI

Tooltips AI

Tooltips AI

Introducing Tooltips AI, an innovative extension that uses AI to provide simple explanations for highlighted words or paragraphs, enhancing your productivity and comprehension. 🚀

Product Detail


Key Features

  • 📚 Summarizer: Instantly condense lengthy paragraphs into concise summaries for quick understanding.
  • 🌐 Browser Extension: Easily integrate with your favorite browser for seamless use across the web.
  • 🧠 AI-Powered: Leverage advanced AI technology to generate accurate and relevant explanations.
  • ⚡️ Boost Productivity: Save time and effort by quickly grasping complex information.

Main Use Case

  1. 📖 Studying: Enhance your learning experience by summarizing lengthy academic articles or textbooks, allowing you to focus on key concepts.
  2. 📰 News Consumption: Stay informed by quickly understanding the main points of news articles without reading the entire piece.
  3. 💼 Professional Research: Improve your efficiency at work by summarizing lengthy reports or documents, enabling you to make informed decisions faster.

Price model


Supported Platform




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