


Speechify is an innovative text-to-speech tool that allows users to have their text read aloud by famous celebrities such as Gwyneth Paltrow and Snoop Dogg. Available on Chrome, iOS, Android, and Mac, this tool is perfect for those who want to listen to their text instead of reading it.

Product Detail


Key Features

  • Text-to-speech functionality with celebrity voices
  • Available on multiple platforms including Chrome, iOS, Android, and Mac
  • Customizable reading speed and voice options

Main Use Case

  1. Students can use Speechify to listen to their textbooks or study materials while on the go, making studying more efficient and convenient.
  2. Professionals can use Speechify to listen to important documents or emails while multitasking, increasing productivity and saving time.
  3. Individuals with visual impairments can use Speechify to access written content in a more accessible format, improving accessibility and inclusivity.


Price model


Supported Platform



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