Roshi AI

Roshi AI

Roshi AI

Introducing Roshi AI, an education-assistant tool that instantly generates summaries, vocabulary lists, questions, and activities from any YouTube video or online article for your students. Enhance your teaching experience with this innovative AI-powered solution.

Product Detail


Key Features

šŸ“š Summarize Content: Automatically create concise summaries of YouTube videos or online articles. šŸ“– Vocabulary Lists: Generate vocabulary lists to help students expand their language skills. ā“ Questions & Activities: Develop engaging questions and activities based on the content. šŸŽÆ Customization: Tailor the output to suit your students' needs and learning objectives. šŸš€ Time-saving: Spend less time on lesson preparation and more time on teaching.

Main Use Case

  1. Language Teachers: Improve your students' language skills by providing them with summaries, vocabulary lists, and questions based on their favorite YouTube videos or articles.
  2. Subject Teachers: Enhance your students' understanding of complex topics by generating summaries and activities from relevant online resources.
  3. Tutors & Homeschooling Parents: Save time on lesson preparation and create personalized learning materials for your students with just a few clicks.

Price model


Supported Platform




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