


Introducing Postly, an all-in-one social media marketing platform that empowers users to create, manage, and distribute campaigns effortlessly. Boost your engagement, conversions, and marketing success with Postly's comprehensive suite of tools.

Product Detail


Key Features

šŸ“ Copywriting and digital ads creation šŸ“§ Email marketing tools šŸŽØ Image and video editors šŸ”— Link shorteners āœ… Approval workflow for streamlined collaboration šŸš€ One-click publishing šŸ“¤ Bulk upload option

Main Use Case

  1. Small Business Owner: A local bakery owner uses Postly to design eye-catching social media posts, schedule content, and track engagement, increasing their online presence and attracting new customers.
  2. Digital Marketing Agency: An agency leverages Postly's approval workflow and one-click publishing features to manage multiple client accounts efficiently, ensuring timely and consistent content delivery.
  3. Freelance Social Media Manager: A freelancer utilizes Postly's copywriting, image and video editing tools to create engaging content for their clients, saving time and increasing their productivity.

Price model


Supported Platform


Media and Entertainment


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