


Introducing Pliny, an AI-powered no-code tool that effortlessly transforms your prompts into shareable apps, enabling users to run and remix them for free. Unleash your creativity and collaborate with others using Pliny's user-friendly interface.

Product Detail

Key Features

šŸš€ Lightweight Interface: Pliny offers a simple and intuitive platform to create and share your apps. šŸ”„ Shareable Apps: Turn your prompts into apps that anyone can access, run, and remix for free. šŸ¤ Collaboration: Encourage collaboration by allowing others to build upon your app and create new versions. šŸŒ No-Code Solution: Develop apps without any coding knowledge, making it accessible for everyone.

Main Use Case

  1. Educational Tools: Create interactive quizzes or learning modules for students, allowing them to test their knowledge and share their results with peers.
  2. Business Solutions: Develop custom apps for data analysis, project management, or team collaboration, streamlining your workflow and improving productivity.
  3. Creative Projects: Design unique apps for storytelling, art, or music, and share them with a community of like-minded individuals to inspire and be inspired.

Price model


Supported Platform




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