Ogen AI

Ogen AI

Ogen AI

Introducing Ogen AI, an innovative tool that converts links into captivating OG Images and Cover Photos using advanced ChatGPT and Stable Diffusion technologies. Perfect for developers and social media enthusiasts alike.

Product Detail

Key Features

šŸ”— Link Conversion: Transform any link into an eye-catching OG Image or Cover Photo. šŸ¤– ChatGPT Integration: Leverage the power of ChatGPT to generate engaging visuals. šŸŒ€ Stable Diffusion: Utilize Stable Diffusion for high-quality image generation. šŸ“š Image History: Easily access and view previously generated images.

Main Use Case

  1. Social Media Managers: Boost your social media posts' engagement by creating visually appealing OG Images and Cover Photos for your shared links, making them stand out in the feed.
  2. Web Developers: Enhance your website's SEO and user experience by generating custom OG Images for each page, improving click-through rates and overall site performance.
  3. Content Creators: Elevate your blog or article's appeal by using Ogen AI to create unique and attention-grabbing Cover Photos, increasing reader interest and shares.

Price model


Supported Platform




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