Latent Labs

Latent Labs

Latent Labs

Introducing Latent Labs: Transform your text prompts into immersive 3D worlds with our cutting-edge AI tool, featuring support for various Stable Diffusion versions and an engaging Discord Community. 🌐🤖

Product Detail


Key Features

  • 🌍 Generate stunning 3D worlds based on text prompts
  • 🔄 Support for multiple Stable Diffusion versions
  • 🎮 Interactive exploration of generated environments
  • 🤝 Join a thriving Discord Community for support and inspiration

Main Use Case

  1. 🏡 Real Estate Visualization: Create realistic 3D models of properties based on descriptions, helping potential buyers visualize their dream homes.
  2. 🎨 Concept Art Development: Generate unique 3D environments for video games, movies, or other creative projects, streamlining the design process.
  3. 📚 Storytelling Enhancement: Bring your written stories to life by generating vivid 3D worlds for readers to explore and immerse themselves in.

Price model


Supported Platform


Media and Entertainment


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We haven't collected data for this AI tool at the moment :(

If you would like to provide more, please contact us and we will add them!🤖

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