


Intellimize is an AI-powered, cookieless, no-code programmatic CRO platform that optimizes website experiences for each unique visitor, driving more revenue, customers, and leads for businesses.

Product Detail


Key Features

šŸš€ AI-powered optimization: Intellimize uses advanced machine learning to optimize website experiences for each visitor. šŸ”§ No-code implementation: Easily integrate Intellimize without any coding knowledge. šŸŖ Cookieless tracking: Maintain user privacy and comply with regulations by not relying on cookies. šŸ“ˆ Boost conversions: Increase revenue, customers, and leads by optimizing your website for better results. šŸŒ Real-time personalization: Optimize website experiences for each visitor, even on their first page view.

Main Use Case

  1. E-commerce businesses: Improve conversion rates and increase sales by providing personalized shopping experiences for each visitor.
  2. SaaS companies: Drive more sign-ups and demo requests by optimizing landing pages and CTAs for each unique user.
  3. Content publishers: Increase engagement and ad revenue by tailoring content recommendations and ad placements for individual visitors.

Price model

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Supported Platform


Marketing & E-Commerce


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