


Introducing IngestAI, an innovative AI tool that effortlessly transforms your knowledge base into a chatbot-like assistant, compatible with popular platforms like Slack, Discord, WhatsApp, and Telegram. Seamlessly upload various file formats and get accurate AI-generated answers to questions about your products, services, and more.

Product Detail


Key Features

šŸŒ Compatible with Slack, Discord, WhatsApp, Telegram šŸ“„ Supports Markdown, TXT, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Notion, Confluence āš” Quick and easy setup šŸ¤– Accurate AI-generated answers šŸ” Enhances customer support and internal knowledge sharing

Main Use Case

  1. Customer Support: Improve your customer service by providing instant, accurate answers to product or service-related questions, reducing response times and increasing customer satisfaction.
  2. Internal Knowledge Sharing: Empower your team with a chatbot-like assistant that can answer questions about company policies, procedures, and other essential information, streamlining communication and collaboration.
  3. Onboarding and Training: Simplify the onboarding process for new employees by offering a centralized, AI-powered resource that can answer their questions and guide them through company materials.

Price model


Supported Platform




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