Humata AI

Humata AI

Humata AI

Introducing Humata AI, an advanced AI tool that allows you to upload PDFs and extract answers, enabling you to create reports and understand technical or legal documents 100x faster. Enhance your research, legal, and educational capabilities with this powerful AI assistant.

Product Detail


Key Features

šŸ“„ Upload PDFs and extract valuable information šŸš€ Create reports 100x faster šŸ” Understand technical documents 100x faster āš–ļø Analyze legal documents 100x faster šŸ¤– AI-powered research, legal, and education assistant

Main Use Case

1ļøāƒ£ Research Scenario: A student needs to analyze multiple research papers for their thesis. Humata AI helps them quickly extract key findings and data, saving time and effort. 2ļøāƒ£ Legal Scenario: A lawyer needs to review a large number of contracts. Humata AI assists in identifying crucial clauses and terms, streamlining the review process. 3ļøāƒ£ Educational Scenario: A teacher wants to create a summary of a lengthy textbook for their students. Humata AI simplifies the task by extracting the most important points and concepts.

Price model


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