Hacker AI

Hacker AI

Hacker AI

Introducing Hacker AI, an innovative cybersecurity tool designed to secure your applications by detecting vulnerabilities in your source code. Perfect for cybersecurity professionals, developers, and anyone who writes code.

Product Detail

Key Features

šŸ” Vulnerability Detection: Hacker AI identifies potential security risks in your source code. šŸ” Enhanced Security: Strengthen your applications by addressing vulnerabilities before they become threats. šŸ‘©ā€šŸ’» Developer-friendly: Seamlessly integrate Hacker AI into your coding workflow. šŸ†“ Freemium Model: Access core features for free, with a premium API coming soon. šŸŒ Creator Support: Developed by Chaignc, a trusted name in the cybersecurity field.

Main Use Case

  1. Secure Web Applications: Web developers can use Hacker AI to scan their code for vulnerabilities, ensuring a safer browsing experience for users.
  2. Protect Sensitive Data: Companies handling sensitive customer data can utilize Hacker AI to identify and fix security flaws, safeguarding their reputation and customer trust.
  3. Educational Tool: Aspiring cybersecurity professionals can use Hacker AI to learn about common vulnerabilities and best practices for secure coding.

Price model


Supported Platform




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