GymBuddy AI

GymBuddy AI


GymBuddy is an AI-powered workout planning app that helps users design exercise routines based on their fitness level and desired body parts to focus on.


Product Detail

Key Features:

  • Work at your level: Set your fitness level for personalized workouts and exercises.
  • Build your workouts: Easily create workouts using the configuration screen.
  • Schedule your workouts: Find a suitable time for your workouts with the workout scheduler (coming soon).
  • AI-powered analytics: Track and assess your progress, weight, and any challenging exercises.
  • Continuous improvements: The app has a long roadmap with more features planned. Use Cases:

Personal Fitness: Easily develop and follow tailored workout programs to improve your health and achieve your fitness goals.

Athletic Training: Enhance your performance and reach new milestones by tracking and analyzing your workouts.

Habit Building: Stay motivated and committed to your fitness journey by tracking progress and regularly updating your workout plan.

Price model


Supported Platform




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