
GPTZero is an AI detection tool designed to identify AI-generated texts, specifically targeting educators and other users.

Product Detail


Key Features

  • Plagiarism score: Provides a holistic score indicating the amount of AI-generated content in a document

  • Highlighted sentences: Identifies individual AI-generated sentences for easy detection

  • Batch uploads: Supports uploading multiple files at once, ideal for checking entire classrooms' work

  • API integration: Seamless integration into organizational systems with customizable endpoints Use cases for GPTZero cater to various educational environments:

  • Educators seeking to detect AI-generated content in student work

  • Organizations aiming to integrate AI text detection into their systems

  • Institutions looking to maintain academic integrity in the era of AI-generated content With a growing user base and partnerships with organizations like K16 Solutions and Canvas, GPTZero is a reliable and constantly improving tool for detecting AI-generated text.

Price model


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