GPT for Sheets

GPT for Sheets

GPT for Sheets

Introducing GPT for Sheets, an AI-powered spreadsheet assistant that brings the power of ChatGPT to Google Sheets, helping you with inspiration, categorization, translation, correction, and summarization.

Product Detail


Key Features

šŸ¤– AI-powered assistance: Enhance your Google Sheets experience with the power of GPT technology. šŸ’” Inspiration: Generate creative ideas and suggestions for your projects. šŸ“‹ Categorization: Automatically sort and categorize your data for better organization. šŸŒ Translation: Seamlessly translate text between languages within your spreadsheet. āœļø Correction: Improve grammar and spelling for error-free content. šŸ“š Summarization: Condense large amounts of data into concise summaries.

Main Use Case

  1. Content Creation: A marketing team needs to brainstorm ideas for a new campaign. They use GPT for Sheets to generate creative suggestions, saving time and effort.
  2. Data Organization: A sales manager has a long list of leads and wants to categorize them based on industry. GPT for Sheets automatically sorts the data, making it easier to analyze and target specific segments.
  3. Multilingual Collaboration: A global company has team members who speak different languages. They use GPT for Sheets to translate text within their spreadsheets, ensuring clear

Price model


Supported Platform




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