


Introducing Galileo AI: a revolutionary design assistant that generates stunning, editable UI designs from simple text descriptions, enabling you to design faster and more efficiently than ever before.

Product Detail


Key Features

šŸš€ Create beautiful UI designs from text input šŸŽØ Editable designs for full customization ā±ļø Save time and increase productivity šŸŒ Supports multiple design platforms šŸ¤– Powered by advanced AI technology

Main Use Case

  1. Web Designers: Galileo AI helps web designers create visually appealing and functional UI designs by simply providing a text description, allowing them to focus on other aspects of the project.
  2. App Developers: With Galileo AI, app developers can quickly generate and customize UI designs for their applications, streamlining the development process and reducing time to market.
  3. Marketing Teams: Galileo AI enables marketing teams to create eye-catching promotional materials and landing pages with ease, ensuring a consistent and professional brand image.

Price model

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Supported Platform




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