


Introducing Findly, an AI-powered tool that delivers accurate, actionable data insights in minutes without the need for SQL or Python knowledge. Simply ask questions in plain English and receive easy-to-understand results.

Product Detail

Key Features

šŸ”Ž Natural Language Processing: Ask questions in plain English and get instant answers. šŸ“Š Data Visualization: Visualize your data with easy-to-understand charts and graphs. šŸ§  AI-Powered Analytics: Get accurate insights powered by advanced AI algorithms. šŸ” Secure Data Handling: Your data is safe and secure with our robust security measures. šŸš€ Fast Results: Obtain actionable insights in minutes, not hours or days.

Main Use Case

  1. Marketing Analysis: A marketing manager wants to analyze the performance of their latest campaign. They can simply ask Findly, "What is the conversion rate for our new campaign?" and receive a clear, concise answer.
  2. Sales Forecasting: A sales manager needs to predict next quarter's revenue. They can ask Findly, "What is the projected revenue for Q2?" and get a data-driven forecast.
  3. Customer Segmentation: An e-commerce business owner wants to identify their most valuable customers. They can ask Findly, "Who are our top 10 customers

Price model

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Supported Platform




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