
Introducing FAQx, a powerful answer engine that combines human knowledge with AI enhancement to provide accurate and reliable information in 42 languages. With over 339K facts from 12K contributors, FAQx connects to various sources like Live Web, Wolfram Alpha, and Weather to serve as your ultimate life-assistant. 🌐🤖

Product Detail


Key Features

  • 🧠 AI-enhanced answer engine for improved accuracy and reliability
  • 🌍 Supports 42 languages to cater to a diverse user base
  • 📚 339K facts sourced from 12K contributors for comprehensive knowledge
  • 🔗 Connected to various sources like Live Web, Wolfram Alpha, Weather, and more
  • 🎯 Acts as a life-assistant to help users with various tasks and queries

Main Use Case

  1. 📖 Research Assistance: FAQx can help students and professionals find accurate information quickly, making research projects and assignments more efficient.
  2. 🌦️ Weather Updates: Stay updated with the latest weather conditions in your area by simply asking FAQx.
  3. 🌐 Multilingual Support: Communicate and find answers in your preferred language, making it an ideal tool for users from different linguistic backgrounds.

Price model


Supported Platform




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