


Introducing Decoherence: an AI-powered animation tool that effortlessly syncs your visuals with music. Transform your creative ideas into stunning videos with just a few simple steps, all at an affordable price.

Product Detail


Key Features

šŸŽØ AI Animation Creation: Generate captivating animations using AI technology. šŸŽµ Music Synchronization: Seamlessly sync your visuals with your chosen audio tracks. āœļø Customizable Prompts: Personalize your animations with unique prompts and effects. šŸŽšļø Audio Channel Settings: Fine-tune your animations by adjusting audio channels. šŸ’° Flexible Pricing: Choose between a $10 top-up or a $30/month subscription plan.

Main Use Case

  1. Music Video Production: Create eye-catching music videos that perfectly match the rhythm and mood of your songs.
  2. Social Media Content: Enhance your social media presence with engaging, music-synced animations that capture your audience's attention.
  3. Event Promotion: Design captivating visuals for event promotions, synchronized with your event's theme music, to generate excitement and interest.

Price model


Supported Platform


Media and Entertainment


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