


Introducing Corpora, an AI-powered tool that revolutionizes document organization and understanding, streamlining research workflows and enhancing productivity.

Product Detail


Key Features

šŸ” AI-driven document search: Find relevant documents without relying on perfect keyword matches. šŸ“ Summarization: Get concise takeaways tailored to your specific questions. šŸ”‘ Information extraction: Effortlessly extract key data from your documents. šŸ’” Brainstorming assistance: Let Corpora help you generate new ideas and insights.

Main Use Case

  1. Legal professionals: Corpora can help lawyers quickly locate case files, extract essential information, and summarize key points, saving time and effort during document review.
  2. Researchers and students: Corpora can assist in finding relevant articles, summarizing findings, and extracting crucial data, making the research process more efficient and effective.
  3. Content creators and marketers: Corpora can help generate new ideas, summarize competitor content, and extract valuable insights, enabling better decision-making and strategy development.

Price model


Supported Platform




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