Connected Papers

Connected Papers


Connected Papers is a research assistant and search engine that provides a visual overview of a field of research. With this tool, you can easily identify the most popular papers in your field and understand the dynamics between different areas of study. You can also explore relevant papers in a bi-directional manner, discovering the most important prior and derivative work in your area of interest. This tool is especially useful for fields that produce a large volume of new papers, ensuring that you never miss a key paper.

Product Detail


Key Features 🚀

  • Provides a visual overview of a field of research
  • Identifies the most popular papers in your field
  • Helps you understand the dynamics between different areas of study
  • Allows you to explore relevant papers in a bi-directional manner
  • Discovers the most important prior and derivative work in your area of interest

Main Use Case 💡

  • A researcher wants to stay up-to-date with the latest developments in their field. Connected Papers helps them quickly identify the most popular papers and understand the relationships between different areas of study.
  • A student is writing a paper and wants to ensure they have not missed any key papers. Connected Papers allows them to easily explore relevant papers and discover the most important prior and derivative work in their area of interest.

Price model


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