


Introducing Chatbase: An AI-powered chatbot that learns from your data and integrates seamlessly with your website. Transform your content into an interactive and engaging experience for your visitors. 🌐💬

Product Detail


Key Features

  • Train ChatGPT on your data 🧠: Upload documents or add a link to your website, and Chatbase will create a chatbot that can answer any question related to your content.
  • Easy integration with your website 🖥️: Add a chat widget to your site, providing an interactive and engaging experience for your visitors.
  • Education-assistant 🎓: Enhance learning experiences by offering personalized and instant support to users.

Main Use Case

  1. Educational websites 🏫: Chatbase can be used to create a virtual tutor that answers students' questions, helping them understand complex topics and providing instant support.
  2. Business websites 🏢: Improve customer service by integrating Chatbase into your website, offering instant answers to frequently asked questions and reducing response times.
  3. Content-rich websites 📚: Make your content more accessible and engaging by allowing users to interact with Chatbase, asking questions and receiving relevant information in real-time.

Price model


Supported Platform




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We haven't collected data for this AI tool at the moment :(

If you would like to provide more, please contact us and we will add them!🤖

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