


Introducing Captions, an AI-powered camera and editing app that effortlessly creates captivating videos with real-time captions. Perfect for social media sharing, this innovative tool streamlines the video creation process. 🎥✨

Product Detail

Key Features

  • 🤖 AI-powered real-time captioning: Automatically generates captions as you record your video
  • 🎨 Customizable captions: Personalize the style, font, and color of your captions
  • 📏 Clip and edit: Trim and edit your video with ease
  • 🌐 Social media integration: Share your creations directly to your favorite platforms

Main Use Case

  1. 📚 Educational content: Create engaging tutorials or explainer videos with captions to ensure your message is clear and accessible to all viewers.
  2. 📢 Marketing and promotions: Showcase your products or services with eye-catching videos that include captions to highlight key features and benefits.
  3. 🎤 Event coverage: Capture and share memorable moments from conferences, workshops, or performances with real-time captions, making it easy for your audience to follow along.

Price model


Supported Platform


Media and Entertainment


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