Block Survey

Block Survey

Block Survey

Introducing BlockSurvey, an AI-powered, privacy-focused survey tool that puts data ownership and security in your hands, using BlockStack's Blockchain technology. Create forms effortlessly with AI assistance and protect your valuable insights from breaches and leaks. 🛡️🔐

Product Detail


Key Features

  • 🌐 Digital rights for users: Account and data ownership stays with you, not the platform provider.
  • 🔒 End-to-end encryption: Prevent data breaches, leaks, and harvesting with secure encryption.
  • 🤖 AI-assisted form creation: Easily create forms using AI technology.
  • 🚀 No-code platform: User-friendly interface for seamless survey creation and management.
  • ⛓️ BlockStack's Blockchain: Benefit from a modern, privacy-focused design system.

Main Use Case

  1. 📊 Market Research: Conduct secure and private surveys to gather valuable insights about your target audience, ensuring data protection and confidentiality.
  2. 🏢 Employee Feedback: Collect honest feedback from your team members without compromising their privacy, fostering a trusting work environment.
  3. 📝 Event Registration: Create encrypted registration forms for events, protecting attendees' personal information from potential breaches.

Price model

Supported Platform




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