Addy AI

Addy AI

Addy AI

Introducing Addy AI, your intelligent email assistant that drafts emails in seconds, tailored to your preferred style and tone. This powerful AI tool streamlines your email communication, making it more efficient and personalized.

Product Detail


Key Features

šŸš€ Draft emails in seconds šŸŽØ Choose from a variety of tones (formal, friendly, etc.) šŸ“š Learn from your writing style šŸ§  Respond according to conversation context

Main Use Case

  1. šŸ¢ Business professionals: Craft well-structured, formal emails for clients, partners, or colleagues, saving time and maintaining a professional image.
  2. šŸŒ Freelancers: Quickly draft personalized pitches or follow-ups, increasing the chances of securing new projects or maintaining client relationships.
  3. šŸ’Œ Personal use: Effortlessly create friendly, engaging emails for friends and family, making it easier to stay connected and share updates.

Price model


Supported Platform




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