AI Business Use Case in Healthcare - Overview Part 2

Author: Erfan[email protected]
Publish on: 2023-10-07
A Comprehensive Overview Highlighting the Advent of AI Technologies and their Game-changing Applications Across the Healthcare Spectrum
Blog Pic AI Business Use Case in Healthcare - Overview Part 2

THis is the part 2 of the blog. For the part 1, please refer here: AI Business Use Case in Healthcare - Overview Part 1.

4. Operational Inefficiencies

Learn more about Operational Inefficiencies here.

Operational Inefficiencies – Inadequate Resource Allocation


Misallocation of resources such as staff, equipment, and facilities can lead to bottlenecks, overworked staff, and delays in patient care. For instance, insufficient staffing during peak hours can result in longer wait times and a decreased quality of care.

AI Use Case

A real-world example of AI addressing inadequate resource allocation in healthcare is the utilization of NCS' AI technology by a healthcare institution. This technology employs advanced analytics and machine learning to optimize resource utilization, considering variables such as clinician schedules and facility availability to generate optimal schedules, thus ensuring that resources are allocated efficiently to meet patient care needs.

Operational Inefficiencies – Manual Data Entry and Retrieval:


Manual processes for entering, updating, and retrieving patient data can be time-consuming and prone to errors. These inefficiencies can delay the availability of crucial information, which in turn affects decision-making and patient care.

AI Use Case

ClosedLoop, founded in 2017, offers AI models and automation workflows to assist healthcare organizations in managing manual processes surrounding data science tasks, which include examining patient data. This platform aids in automating data-related operations, thereby reducing the burden of manual data entry and retrieval.

Operational Inefficiencies – Inefficient Scheduling Systems:


Outdated or ineffective scheduling systems can lead to overbookings, under-utilization of resources, and dissatisfaction among patients due to long wait times. Moreover, last-minute cancellations and no-shows can also disrupt the schedule and lead to operational inefficiencies.

AI Use Case

A real-world example of addressing inefficient scheduling systems using AI is through the utilization of Hyro's AI-powered Healthcare Appointment Scheduling platform. This platform integrates with the Epic Electronic Medical Record (EMR) system to manage scheduling, where it automatically updates scheduling modifiers based on any changes made, streamlining the scheduling process, and reducing inefficiencies. Moreover, Hyro's AI assistant can securely verify patient identity, adding an extra layer of efficiency and security to the scheduling process

Operational Inefficiencies – Lack of Real-Time Communication


In the absence of effective real-time communication systems, there can be delays in relaying critical information among healthcare teams. This can lead to delayed decision-making, longer response times in emergencies, and ultimately, a potential compromise in patient care.

AI Use Case

A US-based company, Welltok, designed an AI system to assist a doctor in India in managing his telehealth patient load. This system provided real-time analysis of the doctor's interactions with patients and offered recommendations on how he could improve his care. Additionally, Welltok developed an AI chatbot called Concierge that can help increase resource efficiency, provide cost transparency, and direct customers to lower-cost alternatives. This AI chatbot has an accuracy rate of 98 percent and was found to save consumers time by over 60%.

Searching for the optimal AI solution for your Operational Inefficiencies issue? Consult with Stevie AI!

5. Medical Imaging Analysis

Learn more about Medical Imaging Analysis here.

Medical Imaging Analysis – Radiology Imaging


AI can analyze radiology images such as X-rays, CT scans, and MRI images to detect anomalies, measure anatomical structures, and identify diseases like cancer, fractures, or neurological disorders. For instance, AI algorithms can be trained to identify lung nodules or tumors in chest X-rays

AI Use Case

A pioneer in radiology for over a century, Siemens Healthineers continues to evolve its AI solutions with tools like the AI-Rad Companion. This advanced tool aids in the analysis of radiological images, enhancing the accuracy and efficiency of diagnosis and treatment planning.

Medical Imaging Analysis – Pathology Imaging


In pathology, AI assists in the analysis of microscopic images of tissue samples to identify and classify diseases like cancer. By analyzing patterns in the tissue that may indicate disease, AI can help pathologists make more accurate diagnoses.

AI Use Case

Paige employs machine learning to assist pathologists in making quicker and more accurate cancer diagnoses from images of tissue samples. Initially focusing on detecting prostate and breast cancer, the startup plans to extend its services to other diseases as well

Medical Imaging Analysis – Cardiology Imaging


AI plays a significant role in analyzing cardiac imaging such as echocardiograms to measure heart function, detect heart diseases, and evaluate the effectiveness of treatments. It can provide automated measurements and analyses, aiding cardiologists in their assessments.

AI Use Case

Siemens Healthineers has developed Acuson Origin, a revolutionary cardiovascular ultrasound system enriched with robust AI capabilities. This system is designed to identify the anatomy being imaged and anticipate the subsequent steps necessary to advance patient care. By incorporating AI algorithms, Acuson Origin can automate approximately 500 different measurements, which significantly enhances the efficiency and accuracy of cardiac imaging procedures

Medical Imaging Analysis – Ophthalmology Imaging


AI can be utilized to analyze retinal Cardiology Imaging images to detect eye diseases like diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma, and age-related macular degeneration. By identifying early signs of these conditions, AI empowers ophthalmologists to initiate treatment sooner and potentially prevent vision loss.

AI Use Case

yenuk has developed the EyeArt AI Eye Screening System, which is the first FDA cleared AI technology for the autonomous detection of both mild and vision-threatening diabetic retinopathy. The system has been extensively validated, with testing conducted on over half a million patient visits globally and over two million images collected in real-world clinical environments. The EyeArt system autonomously analyzes patients' retinal images, robustly detects signs of disease, and returns an easy-to-read report in under 60 seconds, demonstrating a high real-world sensitivity and specificity in detecting diabetic retinopathy.

Searching for the optimal AI solution for your Medical Imaging Analysis issue? Consult with Stevie AI!

Future of AI in Health Industry

The application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in healthcare is expanding rapidly and is poised to continue evolving in various ways. Here are some future trends of AI in healthcare:

1. Preventive Healthcare:

AI has the potential to shift the focus from treatment to prevention by analyzing data to predict potential health issues before they become critical. This proactive approach can lead to early interventions, improving patient outcomes and reducing healthcare costs.

2. Remote Monitoring and Telehealth:

With the advent of wearable technologies and AI, remote monitoring of patients' health is becoming more feasible. AI can analyze data from wearables in real-time, allowing healthcare providers to monitor patients remotely and provide timely interventions.

3. Personalized Medicine:

AI can analyze vast amounts of data to identify how different treatments might affect individuals differently, paving the way for personalized medicine. This can lead to more effective treatment plans tailored to individual patients' needs.

4. Natural Language Processing (NLP):

NLP can help in extracting valuable insights from unstructured text in electronic health records, research papers, and clinical trial reports, which can be instrumental in improving care delivery and advancing medical research.

5. Operational Efficiency:

AI can streamline administrative tasks such as scheduling, billing, and patient management, thereby improving operational efficiency and allowing healthcare professionals to focus more on patient care.

6. Drug Discovery and Development:

AI can significantly accelerate the process of drug discovery and development by analyzing large datasets to identify potential drug candidates and predict their effectiveness and safety.

7. Enhanced Imaging Analysis:

The use of AI in medical imaging is expected to continue growing, providing more accurate diagnoses and better patient care by aiding in the detection and analysis of medical conditions from imaging data.

8. Ethical AI in Healthcare:

As AI becomes more integrated into healthcare, ethical considerations regarding data privacy, bias, and decision-making will become increasingly important. Establishing clear ethical guidelines and regulatory frameworks for AI in healthcare will be crucial.

9. AI-Enabled Robotics:

Robotics, coupled with AI, can perform routine tasks, assist in surgeries, and provide rehabilitation therapy, thereby enhancing the quality and efficiency of healthcare services.

10. Interoperable Data Systems:

With the integration of AI, healthcare systems can become more interoperable, enabling seamless sharing of data across different platforms and improving collaboration among healthcare providers.

These trends underscore the transformative potential of AI in healthcare, which is likely to continue evolving to meet the growing demands and challenges of the healthcare industry.


As we delve into the myriad applications and future prospects of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in healthcare, it's evident that this technological marvel is not merely a fleeting trend but a monumental shift poised to redefine healthcare paradigms. From unraveling complex medical data, improving diagnostic accuracy, personalizing treatment plans, to optimizing operational efficiencies, AI has emerged as a linchpin for fostering healthcare innovation. Its ability to harness vast datasets to glean actionable insights is ushering in a new era of preventive healthcare, enabling early interventions and significantly enhancing patient outcomes. Moreover, the collaborations between AI innovators and healthcare providers are seeding a fertile ground for cutting-edge solutions that address longstanding challenges and propel healthcare into a new dimension of patient-centric care.

Looking ahead, the trajectory of AI in healthcare is replete with potential, promising to further intertwine with telehealth, drug discovery, medical imaging, and much more. The integration of AI-enabled robotics, Natural Language Processing (NLP), and remote monitoring technologies is set to further elevate the healthcare landscape, offering unprecedented levels of efficiency, accuracy, and patient satisfaction. However, as we navigate this exciting frontier, the imperatives of ethical considerations, data privacy, and robust regulatory frameworks will be paramount to ensure the responsible and equitable deployment of AI. The symbiosis of AI and healthcare is an exhilarating journey, one that holds the promise of a healthier, more informed, and more accessible healthcare ecosystem for all. Through continuous exploration, collaboration, and innovation, the horizon of AI in healthcare beckons with limitless potential, heralding a future where technology and human ingenuity converge to foster a world of wellness.

Stevie AI works with you to define your requirement, find the AI app that meets your requirement, and guides you on your Al implementation journey.