AI Business Use Case in Healthcare - Overview Part 1

Author: Erfan[email protected]
Publish on: 2023-10-07
An In-depth Overview that Explores the Multifaceted Applications and Transformative Potential of AI Technologies within the Dynamic Healthcare Ecosystem
Blog Pic AI Business Use Case in Healthcare - Overview Part 1

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Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a revolutionary technology, poised to significantly transform various sectors, including healthcare. The integration of AI in healthcare is driven by the need to enhance the efficiency, accuracy, and effectiveness of medical services. Through intelligent algorithms and machine learning models, AI has the potential to assist in diagnosing diseases, predicting patient needs, and optimizing resource allocation. The convergence of AI and healthcare holds promise for a more agile, responsive, and patient-centric healthcare ecosystem.

Historically, the healthcare sector has grappled with numerous challenges that seemed insurmountable. From managing massive volumes of patient data, ensuring accurate and timely diagnoses, to devising personalized treatment plans, the industry faced hurdles that often translated to delayed care and increased costs. Moreover, the sector has been plagued by inefficiencies in operations, escalating expenses, and barriers to accessible and quality care for all. These issues underscored the necessity for innovative solutions to improve healthcare delivery and outcomes.

The advent of AI brought forth a glimmer of hope in addressing these historical challenges. With its capability to analyze vast amounts of data swiftly and accurately, AI is paving the way for more informed decision-making and enhanced patient care. Furthermore, AI’s potential to automate routine tasks, provide predictive insights, and foster personalized medicine is redefining the healthcare landscape. As AI continues to mature, the anticipation grows for its full-fledged application in healthcare, promising to resolve long-standing issues and drive the industry forward into a new era of medical innovation and excellence.

Challenges in HealthCare

here are several problems in the healthcare domain where AI has the potential to make significant impacts:

1. Inefficient Data Management:

Healthcare generates massive amounts of data which, when poorly managed, can lead to inefficiencies, miscommunications, and potential errors.

2. Diagnostic Errors:

Misdiagnoses or delayed diagnoses can have serious consequences on patient outcomes and may increase healthcare costs.

3. Treatment Planning:

Developing personalized treatment plans can be complex and time-consuming, and traditional methods might not always account for individual patient variables.

4. Operational Inefficiencies:

Operational bottlenecks such as appointment scheduling, billing, and supply chain management can affect the quality and speed of healthcare delivery.

5. Medical Imaging Analysis:

Analyzing medical imaging manually is time-consuming and can sometimes lead to oversight or misinterpretation of imaging results.

These problems represent a broad spectrum of challenges within the healthcare domain that AI technologies have the potential to address.

Let’s dive deeper into each specific issue. We will examine how AI is offering solutions and provide real-life examples to illustrate its impact.

1. Inefficient Data Management

Learn more about Inefficient Data Management here.

Inefficient Data Management - Disorganized Electronic Health Records (EHRs)


Electronic Health Records are crucial for storing patient information. However, if they are disorganized or inconsistent, it can lead to difficulty in retrieving or updating patient data accurately. This may result in delayed or incorrect diagnoses, and ineffective treatment plans.

AI Use Case

Microsoft, in collaboration with Epic, has integrated its Azure OpenAI Service with Epic's health record software to enhance the organization and utility of electronic health records. This integration is aimed at boosting productivity and improving various aspects of healthcare delivery through more organized EHRs.

Inefficient Data Management – Data Silos


Data silos occur when different departments or systems within a healthcare organization are unable to share information effectively. This lack of integration can lead to incomplete views of patient histories, duplication of tests, or delays in treatment.

AI Use Case

Highmark Inc., a healthcare insurer, successfully consolidated data from different data warehouses, transaction systems, and claims sets for AI analysis across multiple departments. This initiative helped in breaking down data silos and ensuring a more integrated data management approach across the organization

Inefficient Data Management – Inaccurate Data Entry:


Inaccuracies in data entry can lead to significant problems, including incorrect patient identification, wrong medication dosages, or misinterpretations of diagnostic tests. Such inaccuracies can have severe consequences on patient safety and care quality.

AI Use Case

Various healthcare providers are utilizing AI-Based Data Extraction solutions to streamline their workflows and improve patient care. These AI-powered solutions help automate data entry processes, reducing manual data entry errors and ensuring more accurate and efficient data management

Inefficient Data Management – Inadequate Data Security:


Inefficient management of data security protocols can lead to data breaches, which may expose sensitive patient information. This not only violates privacy laws but also erodes trust between patients and healthcare providers.

AI Use Case

BeeKeeperAI has introduced EscrowAI, a zero-trust collaboration platform that addresses common healthcare sector challenges related to data security and intellectual property preservation. EscrowAI facilitates secure processing and collaboration on patient health data between data holders and algorithm developers

Searching for the optimal AI solution for your Inefficient Data Management issue? Consult with Stevie AI!

2. Diagnostic Errors

Learn more about Diagnostic Errors here.

Diagnostic Errors – Misdiagnosis


This is when a healthcare provider inaccurately diagnoses a patient with the wrong condition. For example, mistaking a benign tumor for a malignant one, or vice versa, can have serious implications for the patient’s treatment plan and prognosis.

AI Use Case

Optum, a part of the Fortune giant UnitedHealth Group (UHG), has developed a Care Coordination Platform that aggregates vast sums of data to provide a comprehensive overview of every individual patient’s entire medical history. By doing so, it aims to reduce the chances of misdiagnosis by ensuring that healthcare providers have complete and accurate information about each patient.

Diagnostic Errors – Delayed Diagnosis


This occurs when there's a significant delay in identifying and diagnosing a patient’s condition. For instance, a delay in diagnosing a progressive disease like cancer could lead to a more advanced stage of the disease by the time it's detected, which can adversely affect treatment outcomes.

AI Use Case

Arterys initially focused on simplifying the diagnosis of heart defects in newborns and children. The company utilized 4D Flow MRI technology to show blood flow in the heart, aiding the diagnostic process. However, the large output files from 4D Flow MRI couldn't be read by hospital image-archiving servers, leading to delays in diagnosis. Arterys resolved this by leveraging cloud computing, enabling hospital radiologists to access 4D Flow images via a web browser, which facilitated quicker, life-saving treatment decisions. The company also employed deep learning to automatically measure heart ventricles when it saw providers were still manually calculating their size. Now, Arterys is working on providing automatic, accurate measurements across various specialties including cancers, liver, and brain conditions, which could potentially accelerate the diagnostic process and reduce delays

Diagnostic Errors – Missed Diagnosis (Failure to Diagnose)


This is when a healthcare provider fails to identify a condition altogether. For instance, failing to diagnose a heart condition could result in serious complications or even death.

AI Use Case

PMX, a South Korean startup, offers an AI software-as-medical-device (SaMD) named ChestOMX, which analyzes patients' CT-scan reports automatically and provides quantified information on lung structure and viral infiltration. By accelerating the detection of viral and lung infections through classification and longitudinal tracking, PMX helps in reducing the time it takes for physicians to detect degenerative diseases, thereby addressing the problem of missed diagnosi

Diagnostic Errors – Overdiagnosis


Overdiagnosis occurs when individuals are diagnosed with conditions that are not actually causing harm, often leading to unnecessary and potentially harmful treatments. For example, overdiagnosis of certain types of thyroid cancer can lead to surgeries and treatments that may not have been necessary.

AI Use Case

A case study showcased an intelligent-augmented breast cancer risk calculator (iBRISK) designed to reduce overdiagnosis in breast cancer screening. The AI system, utilizing convergent AI technologies such as natural language processing, image analysis, deep learning, data mining, and multi-modal patient data, provides a risk assessment score. This system has been tested on 14,000 patients, and the results indicated that about 80% of women did not have to go for a biopsy, potentially saving around $3 billion annually. The psychological benefit of this innovation is also significant as it helps avoid unnecessary biopsy procedures which could be distressing for patients

Searching for the optimal AI solution for your Diagnostic Errors issue? Consult with Stevie AI!

3. Treatment Planning

Learn more about Treatment Planning here.

Treatment Planning – Personalized Treatment Plans


Developing personalized treatment plans can be complex and time-consuming. It's essential to consider an individual patient’s medical history, current health status, and other factors when devising a treatment plan. However, traditional methods might not always account for all these variables, which can lead to less effective or inappropriate treatments.

AI Use Case

MedAI Innovations, a hypothetical healthcare technology company, has created a platform called "PersonalCare AI" to assist healthcare providers in developing personalized treatment plans. By aggregating comprehensive patient data, including medical history, genetic information, and lifestyle factors, the platform employs sophisticated AI algorithms to analyze this data and generate personalized treatment recommendations. For example, it could suggest a specific chemotherapy regimen for a cancer patient based on their unique genetic markers and tumor characteristics. Additionally, the platform continuously learns from new data and provider feedback to refine its algorithms, monitors patient responses to adjust recommendations, and provides analytics to healthcare providers to track progress. This system aims to enhance treatment efficacy, save healthcare costs, and improve provider efficiency by reducing time spent on data analysis and treatment planning, enabling a more focused approach to patient care.

Treatment Planning – Treatment Optimization


Optimizing treatment plans to ensure that they are both effective and cost-efficient is a significant challenge. This includes selecting the most suitable medications, therapies, and interventions while minimizing unnecessary tests and procedures.

AI Use Case

OptiMed AI, a fictional healthcare tech company, has developed a platform named "OptiCare," which utilizes AI to optimize personalized treatment plans. By analyzing a patient's medical history, genetic profile, and lifestyle data, along with real-time health metrics, OptiCare provides healthcare professionals with tailored treatment suggestions. The platform employs machine learning to continuously refine its recommendations based on patient feedback and outcomes, ensuring a dynamic and adaptive treatment plan. For instance, for diabetic patients, OptiCare could suggest personalized insulin dosage plans and lifestyle modifications. Additionally, the platform can adjust treatment recommendations based on real-time data, such as blood sugar levels and dietary intake, to ensure optimal management of the condition. By reducing the likelihood of over-treatment or under-treatment, OptiMed AI's OptiCare platform aims to improve patient outcomes, reduce healthcare costs, and enable a more personalized healthcare experience

Treatment Planning – Multidisciplinary Coordination


Treatment planning often involves coordination among multiple healthcare professionals from different specialties. Inadequate communication or coordination among these professionals can lead to conflicting or suboptimal treatment plans.

AI Use Case

Aidoc provides an AI-driven platform that facilitates timely communication and information sharing among different specialties within a hospital setting. By employing AI, the platform ensures that all relevant specialists, such as radiologists and cardiologists, have access to the same information, enabling efficient sharing of medical judgments and thoughts.

Moreover, the platform increases resource utilization by streamlining the call-activation process, ensuring that the right type of doctor attends to the patient's needs at the right time. The AI-powered Pulmonary Embolism Response Team (PERT) within Aidoc's platform exemplifies the importance of coordinated consultation and decision-making among various specialties including interventional cardiology, pulmonology, diagnostic and interventional radiology, emergency medicine, and critical care. This coordination is particularly crucial in managing high-risk patients with pulmonary embolism, where the AI facilitates real-time sharing of vital clinical information, expediting the diagnosis and treatment processes

Treatment Planning – Long-term Management


For chronic conditions or diseases requiring long-term management, devising a sustainable and adaptable treatment plan is crucial. This includes monitoring the patient’s condition over time, adjusting treatments as necessary, and considering the long-term impacts of various treatment options.

AI Use Case

Qventus applies AI to drive better operational outcomes for hospitals, aiming for a reduction in excess days spent in hospitals, which can be crucial for long-term management of chronic conditions and optimizing hospital operations

Searching for the optimal AI solution for your Treatment Planning issue? Consult with Stevie AI!

Continue with part two of the blog here: AI Business Use Case in Healthcare - Overview Part 2