


Introducing Onu, a developer-first AI tool that enables engineers to effortlessly transform their scripts or workflows into production-ready internal tools, eliminating the need for frontend coding. 🚀

Product Detail

Key Features

Onu offers a range of powerful features designed to streamline your development process:

  1. 🚫 No-code frontend: Save time and resources by skipping frontend coding altogether.
  2. 🛠️ Developer-first: Designed specifically for engineers, Onu simplifies the process of creating internal tools.
  3. 🔄 Seamless integration: Easily integrate Onu with your existing scripts and workflows.
  4. 📈 Production-ready: Quickly turn your ideas into functional, production-ready tools.
  5. 🌐 Cross-platform compatibility: Onu works seamlessly across various platforms and devices.

Main Use Case

Onu can be applied in various scenarios to enhance productivity and efficiency:

  1. 📊 Data analysis: A data engineer can use Onu to create an internal tool that automates data processing and visualization, allowing team members to access insights without needing to write complex code.
  2. 🤖 Automation: A software engineer can leverage Onu to build a tool that automates repetitive tasks, such as generating reports or managing deployments, freeing up time for more critical tasks.

Price model

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