


Introducing Laxis, an AI-powered tool that intelligently captures conversations, making your meetings more productive and enjoyable. With simple transcription and personalized templates, Laxis helps you extract insights, action items, and key quotes from your meetings.

Product Detail


Key Features

šŸŽ™ļø Intelligent Transcription: Laxis transcribes your meetings in real-time, ensuring you never miss important details. šŸ“ Personalized Templates: Customize templates to highlight key insights, action items, and quotes from your meetings. šŸ” Cross-Meeting Analysis: Easily search and analyze information across multiple meetings to identify trends and patterns. šŸ“² Seamless Integration: Laxis integrates with popular video conferencing platforms and project management tools for a smooth experience. šŸ”’ Secure and Private: Your data is protected with end-to-end encryption, ensuring your conversations remain confidential.

Main Use Case

  1. šŸ“ˆ Business Meetings: Laxis helps you stay focused during meetings by capturing key points, decisions, and action items, allowing you to review and share them with your team afterward.
  2. šŸŽ“ Educational Settings: Students and educators can use Laxis to transcribe lectures, seminars, and group discussions, making it easier to review and study the material later.
  3. šŸš€ Project

Price model


Supported Platform




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