


Introducing Harpa.ai, an AI-powered NoCode RPA Chrome Extension that automates web tasks, saving you time and money. Harness the power of a hybrid AI engine to get answers, summarize content, track prices, and monitor competitors.

Product Detail


Key Features

šŸ” AI Answers: Get instant answers to search queries using a hybrid AI engine. šŸ“ Summarize Web Pages: Quickly understand the main points of any web page. šŸ“Š Extract Structural Data: Effortlessly collect and organize data from websites. šŸ›ļø Track Product Prices & Stock: Stay updated on prices and availability for smarter shopping. šŸ“° Monitor Articles & Legislations: Keep an eye on relevant news and regulations. šŸ•µļø Detect Competitor Changes: Stay ahead of the competition by monitoring their websites.

Main Use Case

  1. Research Assistance: Get quick answers and summaries for efficient online research.
  2. E-commerce Management: Monitor product prices, stock, and competitor activities to optimize your business strategy.
  3. Content Curation: Stay informed on industry news and legislations to create relevant and timely content.

Price model


Supported Platform




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