


Introducing Cuetap, an AI-powered sales assistant that delivers automagical Battlecards and actionable Competitive Intelligence to help you win more deals.

Product Detail

Key Features

šŸ¤– AI-driven Battlecards: Cuetap's AI generates customized sales Battlecards to give you a competitive edge in every deal. šŸ” Competitive Intelligence: Stay ahead of the competition with real-time insights and data-driven strategies. šŸ“ˆ Deal Acceleration: Close deals faster by leveraging Cuetap's actionable intelligence and tailored recommendations. šŸ“Š Data Visualization: Easily understand complex data with Cuetap's intuitive and visually appealing dashboards. šŸ”„ Seamless Integration: Cuetap integrates with your existing CRM and sales tools for a smooth workflow.

Main Use Case

  1. Sales Pitch Preparation: A sales rep is about to pitch to a potential client. Cuetap's AI-generated Battlecards provide the rep with tailored insights, helping them address the client's pain points and showcase the unique value of their product.
  2. Competitive Analysis: A marketing manager wants to stay ahead of the competition. Cuetap's Competitive Intelligence feature offers real-time insights and data-driven strategies, enabling the manager to make informed decisions and maintain a competitive edge.
  3. Deal Closing:

Price model


Supported Platform


Marketing & E-Commerce


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