Top 5 AI Tools for SEO to Skyrocket Your Rankings

Author: Elzat[email protected]
Publish on: 2023-06-09
This article is a comprehensive guide, highlighting the best use cases of each tool, and demonstrating how AI can streamline your SEO processes, providing more accurate insights and data-driven recommendations. Make the most of AI to maximize your website's visibility, increase organic traffic, and ultimately, enhance your sales.
Blog Pic Top 5 AI Tools for SEO to Skyrocket Your Rankings

Boost Your SEO Efforts with the Power of AI: Top 5 AI Tools for SEO

Search engine optimization (SEO) plays a vital role in increasing the visibility of your website, driving organic traffic, and generating sales. However, SEO can be time-consuming, encompassing everything from keyword research to content creation and finding ways to get noticed. Fortunately, artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the SEO landscape. In this article, we'll showcase the top 5 AI tools for SEO and their best use cases, helping you to automate your marketing efforts and achieve better results with less time and effort.

1. is an artificial intelligence-powered tool designed to assist with the creation of high-quality SEO content. It offers a range of features that simplify and automate several key SEO tasks.

Key Features & Use Cases

Keyword Research : uncovers valuable keywords and produces optimized content. This aids in ranking your website better by creating topical depth.

Content Writing : The tool is capable of writing SEO-optimized content and identifying relevant keywords. It also includes an AI-editor for tweaking and expanding content.

Content Suggestions : provides suggestions on the headline, outlines, and topics that are creative and SEO-friendly.

Competitor Benchmarks : This feature allows you to compare your content against your competitor's, helping you identify hidden content gaps.

Real-Time SEO Guidance : As you write, provides real-time suggestions to improve the quality and depth of SEO in your content.

Pattern Identification in Search Engines : identifies patterns in search engine results and helps optimize the content’s SEO for better ranking.

Task Automation : enables automation of tasks like keyword research, content creation, and link building.

Tailored SEO Campaign : analyzes user behavior and assists in creating effective SEO campaigns that improve ROI.

The tool supports over 50 languages, so it can be used regardless of the language you write in. It also supports a Google Docs style editor.

Pros and Cons


Supports 50+ languages Helps in keyword research Suggests SEO-friendly content Generates texts and paragraphs Supports a Google Docs style editor


Weak insights on the report Inaccurate SEO score Pricing

The pricing for is simple and offers significant value for a relatively low fixed price. There is a free 7-day trial period, and users can cancel their subscription at any time.

Usefulness can be particularly useful for SEO professionals, content creators, marketers, and website owners aiming to improve their website's SEO and organic traffic. By automating time-consuming SEO tasks like keyword research and content creation, allows users to focus on other important aspects of their online strategy.

2. is an AI-powered tool designed to assist users in identifying the keywords that their target audience is searching for in any niche. By leveraging a GPT-3.5 based AI engine, it generates unique and deeply relevant questions and topics for your articles, which are tailored to address the interests and pain points of your audience.

Main Features

Keyword Generation : Starting with a single "seed" keyword, can generate a list of hundreds of keywords, providing more comprehensive results than typical keyword tools. From this data, you can generate questions, topics, and blog post outlines, thus streamlining your content creation process.

Keyword Data : provides detailed keyword data, including estimated search volume, Google "People Also Ask" (PAA) questions, and keyword difficulty, aiding in informed decisions about which keywords to target and how to structure your blog post outlines. Automated PAA Answering : One standout feature of is its ability to fetch Google's PAA questions after generating keywords, and to generate engaging and factual answers to these questions, thereby providing search engine-friendly content that can improve your site's visibility. Topic Clusters : The tool's ability to generate hundreds of topics around a single keyword allows you to build strong authority within your niche, a strategy favored by search engines' focus on topic relevance and topic clusters. Unique Topics Generation : allows for the generation of unconventional and even controversial topics, beneficial for creating viral content. Note that while aids in keyword generation, topic and question generation, and article topic ideation, it does not currently write or generate full articles for users.

When you subscribe to, you're allocated credits in your account, which are consumed for actions such as generating a blog post outline or a keyword.'s features include:

Unlimited Projects 1500 Credits AI Generated Keywords AI Generated Questions/Topics AI Generated Blog Post Outlines Answer Google People Also Ask Question​1​

Use Cases

Given its features and functionalities, could be particularly useful for:

SEO Professionals : Those seeking to optimize their content strategy by targeting keywords and topics relevant to their audience.

Content Creators and Bloggers: Individuals looking to automate the process of topic ideation and outline generation. Marketers: Those in need of a tool to better understand the topics and questions their target audience is interested in. Niche Content Strategists: Anyone interested in building a comprehensive content strategy around a specific niche, with a focus on achieving authority in that area.

3. SEO Vendor

SEO Vendor's CORE AI is a patent-pending technology that utilizes artificial intelligence (AI) to optimize SEO (Search Engine Optimization) efforts. It's designed to provide a high ranking rate, faster analysis, and greater accuracy for SEO campaigns. Here are some of the key features:

Main Features and Capabilities

Branch Prediction SEO: This AI-driven analysis goes beyond conventional regression analysis. It uses logical thinking to quickly adapt to Google's algorithm changes, thereby minimizing the risk of SEO penalties.

SEO Focus Controls (SEO-FC) : A real-time control panel for your SEO strategy. Users can set the overall aggressiveness of their SEO strategy and focus on groups of keywords based on product categories, locations, service types, or other goals.

Artificial Neural Network (ANN) : The AI is based on the ANN framework, which mirrors how the human brain learns. Each ANN module considers more than 100 factors to steer your campaign in the right direction.

Eye in the Sky (EITS) : A proprietary tool that boosts SEO results and reliability by monitoring your website, recognizing changes in Google Algorithms, assessing your projected SEO health, and identifying key issues.

SEO Vendor R&D SEO CORE AI Plugin for ChatGPT : This plugin facilitates real-time analysis of SEO elements like meta tags, page titles, content structure, and keyword density. It provides dynamic insights into pages and competitor analyses, optimizing daily workflow processes.

Use Cases

Here are some real-world examples of how SEO Vendor's CORE AI has been used:

289 Keywords Ranked : A case study revealed that 289 keywords were ranked using CORE AI SEO, with 78 keywords in the top 10 and 37 keywords in the number one spot.

500% Returns and #1 Market Share : A major solar lead generation company achieved #1 market share and hundreds of leads each month. The company's website was overhauled, a multi-touchpoint marketing game plan was implemented, and the client customized their marketing focus with the company’s Focus Control technology. This led to over 80 organic rankings across Google and Bing and significant increases in visitors, total sales, and conversion rates.

300% Organic Results : A property management company experienced over 300% organic traffic growth, resulting in their best revenue year, 50% traffic gains, and an estimated 4.5% conversion rate.

2000% Sales Increase : The total sales of a company's programs increased by over 2000% with the help of CORE AI.

These examples highlight that SEO Vendor's CORE AI can be very effective for businesses aiming to boost their SEO efforts and achieve higher visibility and rankings in search engine results. It's particularly beneficial for businesses that want to adapt quickly to search engine algorithm changes, target specific groups of keywords, monitor their SEO health, and analyze competitor activities. It can also significantly boost website traffic, sales, and conversion rates.

4. SEOMatic

SEOMatic AI is a tool that automates the creation of SEO-friendly pages at scale with the goal of increasing your traffic, leads, and sales. It uses AI and programmatic SEO, which doesn't require any coding skills and can be set up within minutes.

How It Works

Create Project : Choose your preferred method for creating an SEO-friendly page using SEOMatic's templates or with your own website builder.

Add Datasets : Upload a CSV file with your data, add a connection to your database, or use the AI assistant to find datasets relevant to your niche.

Generate Template : Target low-competition keywords in bulk by using placeholders to create content. The AI helps to write unique content.

Publish Content : Publish your pages on your CMS or your custom domain. This generates thousands of SEO pages optimized for search engines.

Key Features

Programmatic SEO : Publish more content, drive more traffic, and target more long-tail keywords. Effortlessly upload datasets with a CSV file option and create dynamic content with variables, listicles, spin syntax, and conditional rendering.

AI Assistant : Enrich your content with AI to make each page unique. The AI assistant includes an AI writer to create SEO-optimized and plagiarism-free content, a Spintax generator to create unique text variations, and a paraphrasing tool to rephrase text to avoid plagiarism.

Page Templates : SEOMatic offers professionally designed templates that are optimized for quick loading and excellent SEO. The pages also function as high-converting landing pages with integrated lead magnets and opt-in tools.

Additional Features : SEOMatic allows one-click export of generated content into a spreadsheet, indexing of SEO pages on Google in less than 24 hours, a drip publishing option, SSL certificate management, custom domain personalization, and bi-weekly SEO performance reports.

Integrations : SEOMatic can integrate with your existing CMS or website builders to handle content creation and publishing with Programmatic SEO.

Best Use Cases

Businesses looking to scale their SEO efforts without needing to hire additional content creators or SEO experts. Content creators who want to automate the SEO process to drive more traffic. Digital agencies or freelancers managing multiple client websites and needing to scale SEO efforts. Anyone looking to enhance their content with AI and programmatic SEO.

5. Squirrly SEO

Squirrly SEO is an AI-powered all-in-one SEO suite designed for WordPress. It simplifies and optimizes the SEO process. With over 650 pre-configured features, Squirrly offers a user-friendly solution for managing and enhancing a website's SEO.

It guides users through every step of the SEO process, from keyword research to content optimization, SEO settings, technical SEO, site audits, and rank tracking.

Squirrly's features include:

  • Focus Pages
  • Keyword Research Tool
  • Best SEO Goals
  • Track SEO Results
  • Briefcase – Keyword Portfolio
  • SEO Live Assistant
  • Excellent Blogging Tools
  • Google SERP Checker
  • Bulk SEO
  • SEO Audits, and more. Users can customize open graph, generate a sitemap, perform duplicate removal, and more to achieve an ideal SEO setup without any guesswork.

Use Cases

Use cases for Squirrly SEO vary depending on the specific needs and goals of the users. Here are some examples:

Keyword Research and Content Optimization : Users can see their organization's ranking on Google and identify ways to improve these rankings.

Content Optimization : Organizations wanting to optimize their online content can use Squirrly SEO. It shows exactly what needs to be improved on a page and makes suggestions. Its Focus Pages feature scans pages and provides a probability of ranking for a specific keyword.

SEO Tools Integration : Squirrly SEO can be used to integrate SEO tools and tasks into WordPress. It offers a keyword suggestion tool, rank tracker, and content optimization from the backend of a WordPress site. It also provides a live assistant and focus pages to help coordinate SEO tasks.

Guidance for Beginners : WordPress website owners who want to improve their SEO but don't know where to start can use Squirrly SEO. It guides beginner users through the steps to meet their site optimization goals one focus page at a time.

Return on Investment In terms of Return on Investment, users have reported that Squirrly SEO:

Allows tasks to be completed efficiently Increases rankings and reach Saves users' time Provides clear team goals for site optimization Streamlines the WordPress SEO process However, not all users have had a positive experience with Squirrly SEO. Some have reported that the plugin failed to accurately count the words in a post, which prevented them from progressing with the tool. There have also been issues with the plugin's compatibility with other SEO plugins, leading to importation problems. As with any tool, the effectiveness of Squirrly SEO may vary depending on the specific context and requirements of the user.

In conclusion, AI tools for SEO can significantly improve your website's search rankings and drive more organic traffic. By automating various SEO tasks and providing valuable insights, these tools help you to make informed decisions and achieve better results with less time and effort. Whether you're new to SEO or an experienced professional, incorporating AI into your marketing strategy can give you the competitive edge you need to succeed.