Business Use Case of AI in Legal - Access to Justice

Author: Erfan[email protected]
Publish on: 2023-11-04
AI's role in enhancing access to justice within the business sphere involves providing scalable legal assistance through technology, which can democratize legal information and services. By automating legal advice, document preparation, and offering self-help solutions, AI can reduce the cost and increase the availability of legal support for smaller businesses and individuals who may not have the means to engage traditional legal services.
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The concept of Access to Justice (A2J) embodies the principle that every person, regardless of means, should have the right to legal representation and the ability to enforce their legal rights. In an era where legal help is often a privilege of the affluent, the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) stands as a beacon of hope for democratizing legal assistance. AI's prowess in parsing through vast legal data enables the simplification of law, potentially bridging the gap for underserved populations who might otherwise be excluded from the legal process due to cost, complexity, or other systemic barriers.

While the infusion of AI into legal practices is not without its controversies, from concerns over the opacity of decision-making algorithms to fears of dehumanizing the legal process, the net potential of AI to enhance A2J is substantial. AI can play a pivotal role in overcoming language barriers, offering legal insights, and providing cost-effective solutions, thereby fostering a more inclusive justice system. It promises a future where legal systems operate with greater efficiency and fairness, using advanced technology to offer insight and foresight into legal proceedings and documentation, thus allowing more people to navigate the legal landscape with confidence and informed agency.

Historical Context

Before the integration of AI into the legal domain, Access to Justice was a complex challenge characterized by significant disparities. Traditionally, justice systems relied heavily on the skill and availability of lawyers, with the law serving better those who could afford expensive legal representation. This created a wide gap between the rich, who had access to the best legal services, and the poor or even the middle class, who often struggled with the high costs of litigation and legal advice.

Legal aid for the impoverished has ancient roots, with statutory provisions as early as the 15th century allowing the poor to petition courts to plead without fees and to be assigned attorneys who provided counsel without charge. However, legal complexities made navigation without a lawyer nearly impossible, and aid was inconsistent and informal. Access for the poor was often facilitated through less formal courts and organizations, like the Working Women’s Protective Union and the Legal Aid Society of Chicago, which evolved to assist with wage theft, domestic violence, and small debts.

Despite these efforts, before the advancements in AI, the legal system often seemed inaccessible and biased toward those with the means to engage it effectively. The historical context underscores the transformative potential of AI in democratizing legal services and enhancing Access to Justice.

Advent of AI

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a powerful tool to bridge the justice gap, offering solutions to problems that have historically plagued access to justice. AI's applications in the legal domain have been multifaceted:

1. Enhancing Legal Services

AI has revolutionized the way legal aid services are provided. For instance, chatbots and AI-driven platforms are now capable of guiding users through complex legal procedures and advising them of their rights in a more digestible format. Furthermore, AI accelerates the creation of such tech tools, allowing for more rapid deployment in response to emerging legal needs. AI's capacity for data processing improves the connectivity between clients and legal aid providers by facilitating better communication, while AI-driven document automation helps in the efficient generation of legal paperwork, thereby reducing the workload on legal staff and speeding up the intake process.

2. Legal Problem-Solving

On the front of legal problem-solving, AI stands out by enabling the comprehension of legal rules and policies for laypersons, providing a plain-language breakdown of complex legal texts. It also assists in identifying pertinent legal issues tailored to an individual’s circumstances and outlining potential legal actions. Predictive AI tools are becoming critical in forecasting case outcomes, which can lead to more informed decision-making and potentially more amicable dispute resolutions. Preparing legal documents and evidence with AI's help has become more accessible, reducing errors and increasing efficiency. Moreover, AI assists in preparing individuals for court appearances and negotiations by providing simulations and guidance on effective communication strategies.

3. Organizational Management

In organizational management, AI facilitates the training of legal service providers by offering scalable and adaptive learning modules. It helps optimize business processes through the analysis of large datasets, enabling better resource allocation and operational efficiency. Leaders in the legal sector leverage AI to scrutinize policy implications and devise strategies that can have a more substantial impact on access to justice. This includes using AI to map trends, outcomes, and community needs, thus enabling data-driven decision-making.

Real Life Application of AI

Here are five case studies showcasing how AI has aided various entities within the legal domain in enhancing Access to Justice:

1. Intelligent File 1.0 & Rocket Lawyer

AI systems like Intelligent File 1.0 are designed to automatically file and organize legal documents. Applications like Rocket Lawyer use AI to instantly complete a range of legal paperwork for Americans, including business contracts, real estate agreements, and wills. These technologies streamline legal processes, making it easier for those without legal representation to navigate the system.

2. AI-Powered Chatbots for Civil Court

Self-help AI chatbots empower low-income individuals by providing immediate legal information relevant to their cases. For example, the rAInbow chatbot identifies areas of legal protection for potential victims of domestic violence, educating them about their rights and the legal jargon that may otherwise be confusing.

3. DoNotPay for Speeding Tickets

The AI website DoNotPay has successfully contested over 100,000 speeding tickets, aiding individuals who might otherwise not afford the legal expenses involved in challenging such infractions. The website uses an AI framework to analyze traffic law and provide defense strategies for users.

4. Reveal-Brainspace for Document Review

In a government investigation involving 12.5 million documents, Reveal-Brainspace’s AI was used to reduce the review population by 85%, saving approximately 19,000 hours and over $750,000 in review costs. This efficiency demonstrates AI's potential to handle massive data review in legal contexts, improving the speed and reducing the cost of legal proceedings.

5. Capgemini's Haystack & AI-Assisted Judgment

Capgemini’s Haystack is an investigative AI tool used for identifying anomalies in data, which aids law enforcement in fraud detection and other criminal behavior. Additionally, they have helped a Western European Ministry of Justice in creating an AI tool that predicts court decisions and provides judges with estimations for compensation, enhancing fairness and reducing bias in decision-making.

These case studies illustrate the versatile applications of AI in the legal sector, from automating routine tasks to assisting in complex decision-making and policy development, thereby contributing to a more equitable justice system.

Future Trend

The future trends in AI for Access to Justice in the legal domain are driven by several key developments:

1. New Legal Tech Use Cases: The surge in data volumes and complex unstructured data types necessitates advanced legal tech solutions. AI tools will be pivotal in managing these challenges through applications in data breach responses, sensitive data governance, and contract lifecycle management.

2. Generative AI and Intellectual Property Law

As generative AI models become more commonplace, they will raise significant questions about authorship and intellectual property rights, pressing the legal industry to revisit and update current laws.

3. Economic Pressures Accelerating AI Adoption

To combat recession-related budget cuts, legal departments will likely increase their reliance on AI for efficiency and cost reduction, setting the stage for broader AI adoption in legal workflows.

4. Ethical AI as a Priority

With the implementation of laws regulating AI use and the growing awareness of algorithmic bias, there is a stronger call for ethical AI practices. Organizations will need to ensure their AI models are audited for fairness and transparency, particularly in high-risk scenarios.

These trends suggest a focus on innovation, efficiency, and ethics, with AI positioned as a transformative force in the future of the legal industry.


In conclusion, the intersection of AI and Access to Justice holds a transformative promise for the legal domain. As AI continues to mature, it is poised to redefine legal services by enhancing the efficiency, accessibility, and affordability of legal aid. The emergent trends suggest a future where AI does not only automate routine tasks but also challenges and reshapes the jurisprudence of intellectual property laws and other complex legal fields. With AI's increasing integration into legal services, the once-distant goal of broadened Access to Justice is becoming an attainable reality.

However, with great power comes great responsibility, and the legal community must tread this new technological terrain with caution. As we embrace the innovations AI brings to the legal sector, we must also address the ethical implications to prevent the replication of systemic biases or the erosion of privacy. The future will demand a balanced approach, ensuring that AI serves as a tool for fair and just legal processes rather than a disruptive force. With mindful application and regulatory oversight, AI can serve as a cornerstone in the ongoing effort to ensure justice for all, irrespective of socioeconomic status.