AI Business Use Case in Human Resource - Overview Part 1

Author: Erfan[email protected]
Publish on: 2023-10-08
A Detailed Examination of How AI Technologies are Being Integrated within Human Resource Management Systems to Significantly Enhance Various HR Functions such as Recruitment, Employee Engagement, Performance Management, and Learning & Development.
Blog Pic AI Business Use Case in Human Resource - Overview Part 1


In recent years, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has transcended from a futuristic concept to a tangible asset across various sectors, HR being no exception. The fusion of AI with Human Resource Management is a testament to the perpetual evolution of the workplace. This intersection not only promises a plethora of advancements but also solves many longstanding challenges faced by HR professionals. The integration of AI in HR operations is not merely a trend, but a significant shift towards more data-driven, efficient, and humane HR practices.

The evolution of HR practices with the advent of AI is a narrative of empowerment and enhancement. Gone are the days when HR was solely about paperwork and manual labor. AI has enabled HR to transition from a support function to a strategic partner in business operations. By automating routine tasks and generating insightful analytics, AI frees up time for HR professionals to focus on strategic initiatives. The ability to glean actionable insights from data also enables better decision-making, thus elevating the role of HR within organizations.

The importance of integrating AI in modern HR practices cannot be overstated. With the capability to handle vast amounts of data, AI brings about a level of precision and personalization previously unattainable. From recruitment and onboarding to employee engagement and performance management, AI has the potential to revolutionize every facet of HR. Moreover, AI’s predictive analytics can foresee issues before they arise, allowing for proactive management and ultimately contributing to a more harmonious workplace.

This blog aims to explore the various business use cases of AI within the Human Resource domain. Through the lens of real-world applications and case studies, we will delve into how AI is solving problems that were previously insurmountable, improving efficiency, and cutting costs in HR operations. Each section will uncover a different aspect of AI in HR, providing a comprehensive understanding of its implications and the value it adds to organizations.

Challenges in Human Resource

Here are some of the problems within the Human Resource domain that are being addressed by AI:

1. Recruitment and Onboarding Challenges:

  • The traditional hiring process is known to be time-consuming and expensive, making it a significant challenge for HR professionals. From reviewing resumes to interviewing and training new employees, onboarding can carry astronomical costs to organizations, not to mention the new employee’s salary and benefits package.

  • Recruitment involves various sub-tasks like candidate screening, scheduling interviews, and maintaining candidate databases which are mundane yet crucial. The time spent on these administrative tasks could be utilized for more strategic endeavors. A key issue reported by candidates is the lengthy duration from application to the selection stage of the process.

  • The process of employee orientations, paperwork processing, and background checks are often repetitive and manual in nature, making them time-consuming and prone to errors.

2. Administrative Overload:

  • HR professionals often get bogged down with administrative tasks which take away time that could be spent on more strategic or people-focused activities. The manual nature of many HR tasks leads to inefficiency and potential for errors.

3. Employee Training and Development:

  • The lack of personalized learning paths and training programs can hinder employee development and engagement.

These problems present a scope for AI to provide solutions, streamline processes, and contribute to making HR functions more efficient and effective. Each of these challenges has different facets that AI technology addresses, which we will delve into as we proceed with the blog.

Let’s dive deeper into each specific issue. We will examine how AI is offering solutions and provide real-life examples to illustrate its impact.

1. Recruitment and Onboarding

Learn more about Recruitment and Onboarding here.

Recruitment and Onboarding - High Volume of Applications


Especially in large organizations or during mass hiring campaigns, HR professionals often find themselves inundated with a high volume of applications. Manually sifting through these applications to find the most qualified candidates is a tedious and time-consuming task. This challenge amplifies when there's a need to fill positions quickly to maintain operational efficiency.

AI Use Case

Magellan Health, a substantial healthcare entity with over 10,000 employees, exemplifies the proficient utilization of AI in managing a high influx of recruitment applications. The organization deployed an AI recruiting platform to bolster candidate engagement and conversion. This platform offered personalized job recommendations, simplified career site navigation, a conversational chatbot for candidate inquiries, and a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system for swift connections between recruiters and quality candidates.

The AI intervention significantly streamlined the application process, leading to an uptick in application submissions and completions. Specifically, the initiative resulted in an 86% application conversion rate, 14,500 chatbot initiated applications over six months, a twofold increase in the average site visit duration from 3 to 6 minutes, and a high satisfaction rate with 81% of candidates rating the site 4 or 5 stars. The case of Magellan Health vividly illustrates how AI technology can effectively address the challenges tied to high-volume application management, enhancing both the recruitment process and candidate experience in a competitive job market.

Recruitment and Onboarding – Inefficient Screening Processes


Traditional recruitment processes may have inefficient screening procedures that might not effectively filter out unqualified candidates or may overlook potential good fits. This inefficiency can lead to wasted resources and missed opportunities.

AI Use Case

Hilton Hotels serves as a concrete example of a company employing AI to alleviate the challenges associated with inefficient screening processes during recruitment. Hilton implemented AI interview software to streamline and expedite their hiring procedures. The AI tools in the interview software are programmed with pre-set questions, eliminating the possibility of interviewers forgetting to ask crucial questions that determine a candidate's eligibility. Additionally, the absence of small talk, which is characteristic of traditional interviews, significantly shortens each interview session. This might even create a more comfortable atmosphere for some candidates. As a result of utilizing AI interview tools, Hilton managed to reduce the time required to finalize a new hire from 43 days to just 5 days, showcasing the remarkable efficiency brought about by AI in tackling inefficient screening processes during recruitment.

Recruitment and Onboarding – Lengthy Time-to-Hire


The time taken from the job posting to the actual hiring can be excessively long in traditional recruitment processes. This lengthy time-to-hire not only frustrates candidates but also can have detrimental effects on the organization's productivity and ability to meet its objectives.

AI Use Case

Hilton Hotels also pertains to addressing the issue of lengthy Time-to-Hire through the utilization of AI. By implementing AI interview software, Hilton drastically reduced its hiring cycle from 43 days to merely 5 days. The AI-enabled interview process allowed for a more streamlined and efficient assessment of candidates, which in turn significantly expedited the hiring timeline. This demonstrates how AI can be a powerful tool in addressing the common HR challenge of prolonged Time-to-Hire, ensuring that positions are filled promptly to maintain operational efficiency and meet organizational objectives.

Recruitment and Onboarding – Inconsistent Onboarding Experiences


The lack of a structured and automated onboarding process can lead to inconsistent onboarding experiences for new hires. This inconsistency can result in confusion, a longer time to productivity for new employees, and potentially a negative initial impression of the organization.

AI Use Case

TechFlow Inc., facing inconsistencies in its manual onboarding process, decides to implement an AI-driven onboarding platform, OnboardAI. This platform automates document processing, crafts personalized onboarding plans based on individual roles, and employs an interactive chatbot to guide new hires through the onboarding process, providing real-time answers to their queries. Additionally, it enables HR personnel to track the onboarding progress of each new hire in real-time and collects feedback for continuous improvement. Post-implementation, TechFlow Inc. observes enhanced consistency, engagement, and efficiency in the onboarding experiences, freeing HR personnel from administrative burdens and ensuring new hires are well-prepared to commence their roles.

Searching for the optimal AI solution for Human Resource? Consult with Stevie AI!

The Second part of the blog is available here: AI Business Use Case in Human Resource - Overview Part 2.